SafeSport® Training

For Sports and Community Organizations

SafeSport® Training

For Sports and Community Organizations

About Us

The U.S. Center for SafeSport is an independent nonprofit (501c3) organization authorized by Congress  to respond to and resolve reports of emotional, physical, and sexual misconduct and abuse within the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement, which serves more than 50 National Governing Bodies (NGBs).



We’ve supported over 2,500 organizations learn more about abuse prevention core principles. By using clear language and real-world scenarios, our trainings lay a common educational foundation so learners can recognize, prevent, and respond to abuse when it does occur.

We continue to build our extensive collection of toolkits and resources for organizations at all levels, from organized youth sports and community recreation programs to professional leagues.

5 million delivered SafeSport trainings, 12 new educational courses, 2,000 unique community organizations

Our Courses

We offer more than a dozen SafeSport® courses in multiple languages. Your learner will gain a better understanding of abuse prevention principles that create environments where everyone can feel safe, supported, and strengthened.


We introduce and illustrate signs and forms of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse and misconduct, how they may appear in your environment, and how to recognize warning signs.


We help you proactively take steps to prevent abuse, showing how power imbalances and culture dynamics affect the prevalence of abuse, and highlighting ways to build inclusion.


We’ll show you how to properly react and follow through on disclosures of abuse, how to intervene in situations where abuse may be evident, and laws that guide abuse reporting.

Choose Your Journey

Looking for additional options and service levels? We also offer four purchase levels to meet the needs of any size organization. The table below outlines each option.

Includes Bronze Bronze Select Silver Gold
Number of training seats
200- 500
Access to more than 10 courses
Certificate of completion for each course
Onboarding support from the Center Customer Success Team
Instructions that are tailored for your organization
Track your organization completion status in real time
Specialized key access for tracking and reporting
Designated administrator seats (2)
Training on your admin access portal
Ability to filter your organization into separate groups
Specialized support sessions from our team
Additional discounted rates or service options

Course Purchasing

When you are ready, sign up below and you can purchase training directly through our website. Once you complete a purchase, you will receive 1 key/custom URL to share. To view our recommended training cadence, please visit the FAQ section.

Need additional help? Connect with us.

Champions of SafeSport

See how organizations like you are implementing SafeSport.

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of an individual 90-minute SafeSport® Trained course is $20/person. Note: Individuals under the jurisdiction of a National Governing Body recognized by the U.S, Olympic & Paralympic Committee are not subject to a fee, contact your NGB for training assistance.

SafeSport Trained certificates are valid 12 months after the completion date.

If your organization is not part of a National Governing Body recognized by the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee, please check your state specific requirements. Your organization may choose how to train your members.

*If you are associated with a National Governing Body, please contact them directly to confirm requirements.

The Center recommends the cadence as shown below.

Year 1: SafeSport Trained Core (90 Minutes) 

Year 2: Recognizing and Reporting Misconduct (30 Minutes) 

Year 3: Preventing Misconduct (30 Minutes) 

Year 4: Creating a Positive Sport Environment (30 Minutes)

*Same cadence as the National Governing Bodies.

Please note if your organization plans to follow our recommended four-year schedule, you must complete one course each year. If you wait more than 12 months between courses, you will lose your eligibility to take the next course in the sequence and will need to start over. For example, if you have completed the SafeSport Trained Core course, you must take Refresher 1 the following year. If you do not complete it within 12 months, you will have to retake the SafeSport Trained Core course and will not be eligible for Refresher 1.

View our catalog of abuse prevention courses.

Contact us directly at [email protected]

The cost of an individual 90-minute SafeSport® Trained course is $20/person. Note: Individuals under the jurisdiction of a National Governing Body recognized by the U.S, Olympic & Paralympic Committee are not subject to a fee, contact your NGB for training assistance.

SafeSport Trained certificates are valid 12 months after the completion date.

If your organization is not part of a National Governing Body recognized by the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee, please check your state specific requirements. Your organization may choose how to train your members.

*If you are associated with a National Governing Body, please contact them directly to confirm requirements.

The Center recommends the cadence as shown below.

Year 1: SafeSport Trained Core (90 Minutes) 

Year 2: Recognizing and Reporting Misconduct (30 Minutes) 

Year 3: Preventing Misconduct (30 Minutes) 

Year 4: Creating a Positive Sport Environment (30 Minutes) 

*Same cadence as the National Governing Bodies.

View our catalog of abuse prevention courses.

Contact us directly at [email protected]

Multi ethnic group of children with swim caps and goggles at the swimming pool

Now Available

SafeSport Ready App

Download the App on IOS or Google Play Stores

As a parent or guardian with a child in sport, you need to be prepared for anything. With SafeSport Ready, our prevention education mobile app, you can understand what abuse in sport is and how to address it, wherever you are.

Animated GIF of an handful of the SafeSport Ready App's screens